Have you been brainwashed to make the wrong Investment Decisions

In today’s financial landscape, investors are often bombarded with advice that prioritizes non-tangible or speculative assets such as SPACs, cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and other investments without intrinsic value. While these investments can offer significant returns, they also come with high risks due to their lack of true backing. In contrast, tangible assets like mines, farms, lands, energy plants, and commodities provide enduring value and are crucial for meeting essential human needs. This blog explores the importance of these true wealth assets and highlights the purposeful brainwashing steering investors away from them.

Situational Analysis: The False Allure of Speculative Investments

The modern investment narrative often centers around high-tech, high-risk assets that promise substantial returns but come with equally substantial risks. Cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and other digital assets have captivated the market’s attention, creating a speculative frenzy that can lead to significant volatility and potential losses.

This speculative focus diverts attention from tangible assets that have consistently provided stability and value. The financial media and some investment advisors often downplay these assets, labeling them as outdated or less exciting. However, this perspective ignores the critical role that tangible assets play in the global economy and their intrinsic value.

The Misleading Nature of Speculative Assets

Speculative assets often lure investors with the promise of high returns but lack the intrinsic value that tangible assets provide. Cryptocurrencies and NFTs, for example, are highly volatile and can result in significant financial losses. These assets are not tied to physical goods or productive enterprises, making them susceptible to market manipulation and speculative bubbles.

In contrast, tangible assets have intrinsic value that is not subject to the whims of market speculation. They provide essential goods and services that are always in demand, ensuring their long-term value and stability.

The Enduring Value of Tangible Assets

Tangible assets, also known as assets with superior intrinsic value, are crucial to human well-being and the global economy. These assets provide essential goods and services that support everyday life and long-term prosperity. Let’s explore why these assets are vital:

1. Mines

Intrinsic Value: Mines, particularly those extracting precious metals like gold and silver, offer a reliable store of value. Precious metals have historically been a safe haven during economic downturns, retaining value even when other investments falter. They are essential for various industrial applications, including electronics and renewable energy technologies.

2. Farms

Intrinsic Value: Agricultural investments provide consistent returns through the production of essential commodities like food and livestock. Farms offer a tangible product that is always in demand, making them a stable investment option. As the global population continues to grow, the demand for agricultural products will only increase, ensuring the long-term viability of farm investments. Additionally, they contribute to food security, a fundamental human need.

3. Lands

Intrinsic Value: Land ownership is one of the oldest and most reliable forms of investment. Land is a finite resource, and its value tends to appreciate over time. Whether used for agriculture, real estate development, or natural resource extraction, land offers diverse opportunities for generating income and building wealth. Land provides space for housing, agriculture, and natural habitats, essential for human life and biodiversity.

4. Energy Plants

Intrinsic Value: Investing in energy infrastructure, such as solar farms, wind turbines, and other renewable energy sources, not only provides steady returns but also contributes to sustainable development. As the world shifts towards cleaner energy, these investments are poised to become even more valuable. Energy plants are crucial for powering homes, industries, and transportation, supporting modern civilization.

5. Commodities

Intrinsic Value: Commodities like oil, natural gas, and agricultural products are the backbone of the global economy. Investing in these tangible goods provides exposure to essential industries and can act as a hedge against inflation and currency devaluation. Commodities are vital for manufacturing, transportation, and food production, making them indispensable for daily life and economic stability.

Challenges and Solutions

1. Accessibility

Challenge: Tangible assets can be challenging to acquire and manage due to their physical nature and regulatory requirements.

Solution: Partnering with specialized investment firms or utilizing platforms that facilitate the acquisition and management of tangible assets can help mitigate these challenges. Additionally, fractional ownership models are becoming more popular, allowing investors to buy into high-value assets without needing to purchase them outright.

2. Market Volatility

Challenge: While tangible assets are generally more stable, they are not entirely immune to market fluctuations.

Solution: Diversification across various types of tangible assets can help reduce risk. For example, combining investments in agriculture, precious metals, and energy can provide a balanced portfolio that is more resilient to market changes.

The Purposeful Brainwashing

The modern investment world often promotes non-tangible assets through sophisticated marketing and media campaigns, creating a perception that these are the only paths to significant wealth. This narrative is not accidental but rather a purposeful strategy by certain market players to divert attention from tangible assets.

Investors are led to believe that high returns are only achievable through speculative assets, despite the inherent risks. This brainwashing not only puts investors’ money at risk but also detracts from the real, sustainable value that tangible assets provide.

Ease of Access to False Investments vs. Tangible Assets

In today’s digital age, accessing speculative investments has become incredibly easy. A few clicks on a smartphone or computer can enable an individual to buy cryptocurrencies, NFTs, or shares in SPACs. Online platforms and apps have democratized access to these high-risk, high-reward investments, making it appealing for both novice and experienced investors.

On the other hand, accessing tangible assets is often more complex and requires significant effort and expertise. Investing in mines, farms, energy plants, or commodities usually involves understanding the industry, navigating regulatory frameworks, and often needing substantial capital. This complexity acts as a barrier for many investors, even though these assets offer more stability and intrinsic value.

Challenges in Accessing Tangible Assets:

  1. Regulatory Hurdles: Acquiring and managing tangible assets often requires compliance with various local and international regulations, which can be daunting for individual investors.
  2. Capital Requirements: Tangible assets usually require more significant capital investment compared to speculative digital assets, making them less accessible to smaller investors.
  3. Market Knowledge: Investing in tangible assets requires a deep understanding of the market, industry trends, and potential risks, which can be a steep learning curve for many.

Solutions for Easier Access:

  1. Investment Firms: Partnering with specialized investment firms can provide the necessary expertise and resources to invest in tangible assets effectively.
  2. Fractional Ownership: Emerging models of fractional ownership are making it easier for smaller investors to gain exposure to high-value tangible assets without needing substantial capital upfront.
  3. Education and Resources: Increasing awareness and providing educational resources about the benefits and processes of investing in tangible assets can help more investors make informed decisions.


In an investment landscape dominated by non-tangible assets, it’s crucial to remember the enduring value of tangible investments. Mines, farms, lands, energy plants, and commodities offer stability, intrinsic value, and a hedge against economic uncertainty. By focusing on these true assets, investors can build a more resilient and diversified portfolio that stands the test of time.

Key Takeaways

  • Mines: Reliable store of value with historical stability and essential industrial applications.
  • Farms: Consistent returns through essential commodity production and contribution to food security.
  • Lands: Diverse opportunities for generating income, building wealth, and providing space for essential human activities.
  • Energy Plants: Steady returns and contribution to sustainable development and energy security.
  • Commodities: Exposure to essential industries and a hedge against inflation and economic instability.

Investing in tangible assets is not just about preserving wealth; it’s about building a solid foundation for future generations. By rediscovering the value of these true investments, we can navigate the financial landscape with confidence and security.

The Unspoken truth: Nightmare of every Investor is an Authentic Shoe Salesman

The Investment Trap: A Life Observation

As a financial planner, I’ve spent years observing the patterns of human behavior when it comes to money management and investing. One observation stands out, perfectly encapsulated by the phrase:

“Every shoe salesman thinks you need a new pair of shoes”

True financial success doesn't come from chasing trends. It comes from a disciplined approach to financial planning and objective tracking over time

Imagine walking into a shoe store. The salesman, with a bright smile, assures you that your life will be incomplete without the latest pair of shoes. He points out the flaws in your current pair and emphasizes the superiority of the new ones. The logic is simple: his job is to sell shoes, and he’s an expert at making you feel the need for a new pair.

This scenario is remarkably similar to the world of investing: Every day, we are bombarded with advice from various “financial salesmen” – the media, self-proclaimed gurus, and even well-meaning friends. They tell us we need the latest hot stock, the newest investment trend, or the next big thing in cryptocurrency. They paint a picture of incredible returns and financial freedom, just like the shoe salesman promises comfort and style.

And here’s the pitfall: acting on every new piece of advice without a clear strategy is like constantly buying new shoes without ever wearing them out. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that the next big thing will solve all our financial woes.

“True financial success doesn’t come from chasing trends. It comes from a disciplined approach to financial planning and objective tracking over time”

Take Warren Buffett, for example. His strategy isn’t about finding the next flashy investment. It’s about patience, consistency, and the profound power of sticking to the strategy. Over decades, this approach has built immense wealth and earned unparalleled trust. In contrast, even the most impressive short-term gains can’t compare to the reliability and growth achieved through long-term compounding.

So, how can we avoid the pitfalls of following every new financial trend? Here are a few tips:

  1. Develop a Long-Term Strategy: Focus on your financial goals and create a plan that aligns with them. Stick to it, even when tempted by new trends.
  2. Understand Before You Invest: Make sure you understand any investment fully before committing your money. Knowledge is your best defense against making impulsive decisions.
  3. Diversify Wisely: Diversification helps manage risk. However, it should be done thoughtfully, not just by jumping on every new opportunity.
  4. Embrace Patience: The most successful investors understand that wealth is built over time. Patience is key to allowing your investments to grow through compounding.

Remember, the next time someone tells you about a must-have investment, think of the shoe salesman. Evaluate whether you genuinely need it or if it’s just another distraction from your long-term financial journey.

The Courage to be ” Disliked & Happy” Journey of two books

With Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga through their enlightening works

Our Community actively learning new insights and finding ways to apply them

Inspired by our Friday session at the Exchange Book Club, we enjoyed the young man’s dialogue with the wise philosopher. This dialogue challenged the common “Blame Culture”, “Weak Psychology”, and superficial “Life Coaching” practices, presenting instead a powerful theory based on “Adlerian Psychology”. In their books The Courage to Be Disliked and The Courage to Be Happy. captivated our group, and sparked reflective discussions. These books challenge the mainstream psychological and coaching approaches that often focus on past traumas. Instead, they offer a future-oriented perspective, emphasizing personal responsibility and self-acceptance.

Our Journey Began with The Courage to Be Disliked. Through the conversational style of the book, we joined the young man in his quest for understanding happiness and fulfillment. The wise philosopher introduced us to the revolutionary ideas of Adlerian psychology, particularly the notion of “teleology” – the focus on future goals rather than past causes “etiology”- main stream.

Key Lessons from The Courage to Be Disliked:

  1. On Expectations: Separate the Tasks: The philosopher taught us to distinguish what is within our control and what is not, this liberate us from the burden of others’ expectations.
  2. The Reason Why: Teleology vs. Etiology: most of the society along with the young man struggle with this concept. Our own social tendencies is to blame the past. The philosopher, however, emphasized that focusing on future aspirations empowers us to shape our destinies.
  3. Peace: Self-Acceptance: We learned that embracing our imperfections leads to peace and authenticity. Ie: Stop comparing to others
  4. Contribute for happiness: Personal Responsibility: Taking charge of our happiness is crucial for growth and freedom, this can happen by providing value to our communities.

It really take courage to Be Happy because our comfort zone today makes us vulnerable to depression. the dialogue between the young man and the philosopher deepened. The sequel continued to challenge our conventional beliefs, emphasizing that true happiness comes from meaningful contributions and living a life of purpose. So break the boundaries.

Key Lessons from The Courage to Be Happy:

  1. Contribution vs. Validation: The philosopher highlighted that happiness is found not in seeking external validation but in helping others and engaging in community activities.
  2. Self-Acceptance vs. Self-Doubt: The young man’s journey towards self-acceptance resonated with us, underscoring the importance of embracing our true selves.
  3. Personal Responsibility vs. Victim Mentality: The dialogue revealed that owning our happiness empowers us to enact positive changes in our lives.
  4. Courage to Change: The young man’s fears of societal disapproval echoed our own, yet the philosopher encouraged us to align our actions with our values and goals for true fulfillment.

Real-Life Applications: The insights from these books offer practical guidance for our everyday lives. Here are some ways we discussed implementing these principles:

Here are some ideas for after office hours:

Contribution IdeaDescription
VolunteeringJoin local non-profits or community organizations to help with their initiatives. Examples include food banks, shelters, and youth programs.
MentorshipOffer to mentor young professionals or students in your field, providing guidance and support.
Community Clean-UpsParticipate in local clean-up events to improve the environment and promote community pride.
Skill WorkshopsConduct workshops to teach valuable skills like coding, cooking, or financial literacy to community members.
Charity FundraisingOrganize or participate in fundraising events for causes you care about.
Support GroupsFacilitate or join support groups that focus on mental health, addiction recovery, or chronic illness.
Cultural ActivitiesVolunteer at local museums, theaters, or cultural festivals to promote arts and culture.
Neighborhood WatchJoin or start a neighborhood watch program to enhance local safety and security.
Youth CoachingCoach a local sports team or lead activities for youth organizations like Scouts or 4-H.

Enhancing the work culture:

Contribution IdeaDescription
Team BuildingOrganize team-building activities that promote collaboration and positive work culture.
Employee WellnessAdvocate for and help implement employee wellness programs, including mental health days and fitness challenges.
Green InitiativesLead or participate in workplace sustainability projects like recycling programs or energy-saving initiatives.
Professional DevelopmentOffer to conduct training sessions or share knowledge with colleagues to enhance their skills.
Corporate Social ResponsibilityInitiate or join CSR projects that allow your company to give back to the community, such as charity drives or volunteer days.
Diversity and InclusionAdvocate for diversity and inclusion initiatives to create a more equitable workplace.
Peer SupportStart or join peer support groups that address work-related stress, career development, or work-life balance.
Innovation ProjectsLead or participate in innovative projects that can improve company processes or products.
Internal MentorshipMentor junior employees to help them navigate their career paths within the company.

Conclusion: Our discussions of The Courage to Be Disliked and The Courage to Be Happy have profoundly impacted our perspectives on happiness and self-fulfillment. These books challenge us to break free from the shackles of past traumas and societal expectations, encouraging us to live authentically and contribute meaningfully to society. By embracing self-acceptance and personal responsibility, we can truly find the courage to be both disliked and happy. These insights have enriched our book club meetings and have also inspired us to implement positive changes in our own lives.

Mohamad Mrad

A Game Changer

Moving around the world today, that is living in the age of information, everybody recommend the need to keep learning something new everyday. Well this idea doesn’t come from absolute coincidence, take a moment and observe pioneers in any field of choice or distance to you, from Elon musk, Warren buffet, Jeff Bezos as some global pioneers to some other pioneers that you know within your own circles of friends or businesses or industries. Those pioneers have been beating the game by knowing a little bit more information then others in their domain of expertise and field of service.

Obtaining that edge is a constant process of being informed, this is a key factor to successful dominance over the field of choice. Trying to stay informed comes in many shapes and forms, the most common and commercialized form is when you hear everywhere try to learn something new everyday. This is a great! I wanted that power of learning something new everyday. Yet I wasn’t always systematic or on target with this quest not everyday. I learned to meet people and try to see what I learn from them, or go through experiences and try to see what I learn from them on a daily basis some knowledge that may help me improve my business, some knowledge that may help gain edge over crowded competition. I admit this process is challenging, it doesn’t guarantee a win of new information everyday and it doesn’t make me consistent with my pursuit of winning the right type of information everyday.Now the quest became what can I change to insure that I learn something new everyday, as I don’t want to keep it for the luck!!! We don’t always meet the right people or have the right experiences, and most of the time when the routines of the day and its noise get going this pursuit of learning something new drops in priority and might be forgotten.

After trial and error, I have indulged myself with a new habit that helps me conquer this quest even before the day starts, and tick that box of my list along with some other very important chores that are necessary yet we drop them in the noise of the day like training, meditating or balancing thoughts. I discovered that having two hours a head start in the morning while the rest of the world is sleeping help me accomplish those tasks. It definitely guarantee that i learn something new everyday from the list of books that I must read to excel in the field of my service.

A quick 15 minutes reading taking notes of the new ideas learned from the author experience, is helping me enhance my business by converting these notes into actionable points of business. it help save or accelerate the business vision at least by a period of 1 year. Imagine the costs saved, the gains made by accelerating 1 year into your own business. The only difference is insuring I’m reading the right books, in the morning, taking the notes into actionable business ideas everyday. a game changer habit that guarantee the quality information and accomplishing four very important tasks in the day before normal people day start.If you are in pursuit of new knowledge please share what is your favorite habit?

Financial Bond: Intimacy with Your Money Relationship

Investment Strategy Financial Bonding Emotional Finance Money Relationship Financial Health Wealth Building Financial Intimacy Personal Finance Tips

In the intricate dance of the financial markets, emotions play a pivotal role. While they can occasionally guide us to success, more often than not, they lead us down a path of self-destruction. One such behavior, often overlooked but incredibly potent, let us call it “Hopium.”

Understanding Hopium

Hopium is the intoxicating blend of hope and optimism that convinces investors they’re just one step away from hitting it big. It’s the song that lures them into making irrational decisions, often with disastrous consequences. Here’s how it manifests:

  1. The Big Win Mirage: Investors often chase the dream of that one significant win, sacrificing consistency in the process. While they might strike gold occasionally, the lack of a consistent strategy often leads to more losses than gains.
  2. Euphoria & Overconfidence: A few successful trades can lead to a surge of overconfidence. This euphoria blinds investors to potential risks, making them more susceptible to making impulsive decisions.
  3. Dangerous Bets: Hopium convinces Investors to take large positions, often without a clear exit strategy. They position themselves without exit plans, to cover losses or protect gains

Overcoming Hopium

Recognizing and admitting to being under the influence of Hopium is the first step towards recovery. Here are some strategies to combat its effects:

  • Educate Yourself: Knowledge is a powerful antidote. The more you understand the markets and trading strategies, the less likely you are to make decisions based on blind hope.
  • Have a Clear Plan: Before entering any position, have a clear plan for both entry and exit.
  • Practice Emotional Discipline: Train yourself to recognize when you are Investing based on emotion rather than logic. Then arbitrate yourself for logic control. Take breaks, meditate, or engage in activities that help you maintain a clear head.

While hope and optimism are essential in many aspects of life, in the world of investing, they need to be tempered with logic, strategy, and discipline.

Falling prey to the allure of Hopium can lead to significant financial and emotional distress.

Stay informed, stay disciplined, and always Invest with a clear plan in mind.

In the “Personal Habits” – The Importance of a safety fund

An emergency fund is a financial safety net designed to cover unexpected expenses or financial emergencies. Here’s why it’s a crucial financial habit:

Financial Security: Whether it’s a medical emergency, sudden job loss, or urgent home repairs, an emergency fund ensures you have the means to handle it without going into debt.

Avoiding Unplanned Liquidation: Without an emergency fund, you might be forced to liquidate investments at inopportune times, potentially incurring losses.

Peace of Mind: Knowing you have a financial cushion can reduce stress and allow you to make investment decisions with a clear mind.

Building Your Emergency Fund:

Start Small: Even saving a small amount regularly can add up over time.

Aim for 3-6 Months of Expenses: While the exact amount can vary based on individual needs, a good rule of thumb is to have enough to cover 3-6 months of living expenses.

Keep It Accessible: Your emergency fund should be easily accessible, so consider keeping it in a savings account.

Stay informed, stay disciplined, and always invest with a clear plan in mind. Your financial health is paramount, and as your financial doctor, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Stay tuned for more insights in our next edition of The Financial Pulse.

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The Importance of Mission and Focus: Lessons from Seinfeld

I often find that life’s most profound lessons come from the most unexpected places. Today, I want to talk about the importance of mission and focus, drawing parallels from an unlikely source – the iconic sitcom, Seinfeld, my favorite of all time.

In the pursuit of financial independence or amassing a million-dollar investment pool, many people claim to love money. However, in the episode is was watching yesterday S3, EP 13, titled “The Subway”, the four main characters find themselves derailed by distractions and side stories.

Let’s take a closer look at what happened.

Jerry was supposed to retrieve his car from the impound lot but got sidetracked by a conversation about baseball competitions on the train.

George was on his way to a job interview, but a chance encounter with a woman led him to a hotel room where he was robbed and left handcuffed to the bed.

Kramer had a court date to resolve his car fines but got distracted by a horse betting tip and lost his money.

Elaine, the best man at a wedding, never arrived due to a busy train and its breakdowns.

These stories serve as a metaphor for the journey towards financial independence or another objective in life.

The characters had clear objectives, and they got sidetracked easily. The most challenging part of any journey is staying focused. It is extremely important to stay focused on your mission and not get distracted by the ‘side stories’ that life presents. One can say focus is the most valuable commodity of all time.

A mission statement, whether personal or for an organization, is a powerful tool that provides direction and purpose. It is a declaration of intent, a compass that guides you towards your goals. It is the ‘why’ that fuels your journey, the reason you get up every morning and face the world.

It is the foundation upon which all your strategies and plans are built. However, a mission is only as good as the focus that accompanies it. Focus is the ability to direct your attention and resources towards achieving your mission. It is the discipline to say no to distractions and the resilience to stay the course amidst challenges and setbacks.

In the context of financial independence, your mission might be to achieve a certain net worth or create a passive income stream. Your focus, then, is the strategies and steps you take to achieve this mission – saving a certain amount each month, investing in specific assets, continuously educating yourself about financial management, and so on.

The Seinfeld characters’ stories are cautionary tales about what happens when you lose sight of your mission and focus.

They remind us that distractions are everywhere, and it’s easy to get off track. However, with a clear mission and unwavering focus, you can navigate through these distractions and stay on the path to your goals. Remember, the journey to financial independence is not a sprint but a marathon.

Living in a city as vibrant and dynamic as Dubai, it’s easy to get swept up in the whirlwind of entertainment, social media, events, consumerism, and other people’s agendas.

The city’s lifestyle is a feast for the senses, but it can also be a minefield of distractions that can derail your focus and impede your progress towards your financial goals.

Overcoming these distractions requires a combination of strategies, tools, and an honest appraisal of your habits and behaviors. Here are some steps you can take to stay focused in the face of Dubai’s many distractions:

  1. Set and Stick to Your Schedule: Time management is crucial when it comes to staying focused. Allocate specific hours for work, leisure, social media, and other activities. This will help you avoid spending excessive time on distracting activities.
  2. Define Your Daily Goals: Having clear, achievable goals for each day can help keep you focused. These goals should align with your larger financial objectives and provide a roadmap for your daily activities.
  3. Disconnect from Distractions: Social media, while a great tool for staying connected, can also be a major source of distraction. Consider setting specific times for checking your social media and stick to them. Use apps that mute notifications during your focused work hours.
  4. Create a Conducive Environment: Your physical environment can significantly impact your ability to focus. Find a quiet, comfortable space for your work or financial planning activities. Keep your workspace clean and free of unnecessary distractions.
  5. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and engaged in the current moment. It can help you stay focused, reduce stress, and improve productivity. Consider incorporating mindfulness exercises into your daily routine.
  6. Balance Your Lifestyle: While it’s important to stay focused on your financial goals, it’s equally important to maintain a balanced lifestyle. Make time for relaxation, social activities, and self-care. A well-rounded lifestyle can actually enhance your focus and productivity.

It requires patience, discipline, and most importantly, a clear mission and focus. So, define your mission, maintain your focus, and keep moving forward. Your destination is closer than you think.