Easily spend 600 AED and difficult to Invest it

In a world where every dollar counts, it’s intriguing to explore the choices we make about where our money goes. Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a Dave Chappelle show in Abu Dhabi, which cost me 600 AED. Though a fan of his work, this experience led me to a surprising reflection about entertainment spending in general.

Is spending 600 AED on a single session of entertainment a wise choice?

This amount could easily cover my basic needs such as food and clothing for a significant period. It raises a question about the broader economic implications and our personal values. Or even  weekend getaway.

Why do people decide to spend in what might seem like fleeting experiences?

History shows us that entertainers have always played a role in society, from the jesters in royal courts to the comedians on today’s global stages, and the transformation in how they are valued is a mirror reflecting our evolving society and economy.

This scenario makes one wonder, if an alien were to visit us, would they find amusement in our seemingly frivolous expenditures?

This isn’t just about budgeting but understanding the intrinsic value we place on joy and diversion. It’s a dialogue worth having.

What does your spending on entertainment say about your values?

Can a 9% Real Estate Investment returns Be Achieved?

In the asset class of real estate investments, the ideal scenario is a property that offers high returns without the common hassles of vacancies, maintenance, or liquidity issues. For many investors, finding such opportunities can seem like a distant dream. However, specialized investment solutions are making this a reality.

Here, we explore how direct property ownership CAN yield significant returns while minimizing traditional investment headaches.

No Vacancy Worries:

Imagine owning a property where the hassle of searching for tenants is a thing of the past. This dream scenario is within reach through strategic investment choices:

  • Germany – Berlin: With a property vacancy rate below 1%, the demand far exceeds supply.
  • Thailand- Phuket: Partnering with the Banyan Group ensures that our properties, backed by five-star services, are continually in demand.
  • UK Social Housing: Engage in long-term contracts that are government-guaranteed, eliminating the usual tenant search.

Easy Liquidity: Liquidity remains a key concern for many investors. The ability to quickly convert your investment into cash or exit the investment without complex procedures is a significant advantage, especially in rapidly changing markets.

Direct Ownership: Unlike trending real estate investments that only offer shares in a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), I always recommend direct ownership investments that let you hold the actual title deed, giving you more control and a higher sense of security.

Tailored Investment Solutions: To meet these ideal investment conditions, we offer two distinct solutions:

  1. Social Housing Investments in the UK:
    • Yield: High returns at 9%.
    • Tenancy: A guaranteed 25-year contract with terms tied to inflation ensures that your income grows along with economic conditions.
    • Focus: This solution is ideal for investors seeking steady income growth without the volatility typical of other real estate markets.
  2. Berlin Investments:
    • Growth: Targets high capital appreciation through strategic property selections.
    • Strategy: Utilizing leveraged mortgages in a high-demand market to maximize potential returns.
    • Focus: Best suited for investors aiming for significant capital gains in a bullish market.

Additional Opportunity: For those interested in expanding their portfolio internationally, we also offer opportunities for capital growth through partnerships with reputable developers like the Banyan Group in Thailand.

The possibilities for stress-free, high-yield real estate investments are more accessible than ever. If you’re interested in learning more about these opportunities and how they can fit into your investment strategy, join me for our upcoming webinars and consultation sessions. Register your interest here.

Supporting research

  1. Berlin Real Estate Data:
    • The Berlin property market has been characterized by significant appreciation in property values over the years, driven by a combination of low interest rates, migrations, and a substantial housing deficit. The median price for an apartment has increased dramatically, reflecting a strong market for both existing and new properties.
    • For more detailed data on Berlin’s real estate, including district-specific information, you can reference this JLL report.
  2. Banyan Group Projects in Thailand: You can explore various properties offered by Banyan Group across Thailand, including luxurious residences in Phuket, which is known for its beautiful beachfront villas and high demand real estate market. You can find more about these projects on the Banyan Group Residences website.
  • UK Social Housing Government Contracts: you can find some information about social housing investments from the UK from government websites

Market Madness and Hidden Gems:

Navigate beyond the maddness and seize an opportunity you can’t miss

Their is no way you can loose

on these levels

Market Madness and Hidden Gems:

Navigate Speculation and Seize Long-Term Opportunities

Executive Summary

The current market environment is marked by significant speculative activities and underlying economic shifts. Key highlights include the ongoing:

  • Speculative frenzy in meme stocks and crypto tokens.
  • Promising investment opportunities in the energy sector, particularly natural gas.
  • The dollar’s recent recovery.

Situational Analysis

The market is experiencing a euphoric stage, highlighted by speculative trading in meme stocks like GameStop (GME) and related crypto tokens. This sentiment is mirrored in the S&P 500, which is trading on expectations of a Fed rate cut and a soft economic landing.

In the energy sector, the US natural gas market presents a significant opportunity. The fundamentals and current low prices suggest a potential for substantial gains with limited downside risk. This contrasts sharply with the speculative excesses seen in other market areas. Furthermore, the rise of AI and blockchain cryptos has a significant impact on energy demand.

Stress Factors

  1. AI Technologies and Natural Gas:
  2. AI technologies require substantial computational power, which translates to increased energy demand. Data centres, the backbone of AI operations, consume large amounts of electricity for both computing and cooling purposes.
  3. Training sophisticated AI models involves intensive computational processes that consume vast amounts of energy. As the complexity of AI models grows, so does their energy footprint.
  4. Blockchain Cryptos & Energy :
  5. Blockchain cryptos, particularly those using proof-of-work algorithms like Bitcoin, require extensive computational power to solve cryptographic puzzles. This process, known as mining, is highly energy-intensive and significantly increases electricity consumption.
  6. Maintaining decentralized networks for blockchain operations involves numerous nodes, each consuming energy. As blockchain adoption grows, the aggregate energy demand for these networks rises.

Natural Gas, Uranium, and Copper: Critical Players in the Energy Transition

a- Natural Gas: Strategic Energy Resource: As a Wall Street financial analyst, I view natural gas as a pivotal element in the energy sector. It serves not only as a versatile and cleaner-burning alternative to coal but also plays a crucial role in balancing the energy grid. Its ability to rapidly adjust power output makes it indispensable in supporting intermittent renewable sources such as wind and solar.

  • Catalyst for Renewable Integration: Natural gas plants are essential for maintaining grid stability during fluctuations in renewable energy production. This characteristic is vital as we transition to a more sustainable energy mix, making natural gas a strategic investment in the short to medium term.

b- Uranium: Staple for Low-Carbon Power: Uranium is central to nuclear power generation, a critical component of our low-carbon energy solutions. The resurgence of interest in nuclear energy, driven by its reliability and zero-emission nature, positions uranium as a key commodity in the fight against climate change.

Enhancing Energy Security: From an investment perspective, the high energy density and efficiency of nuclear power provide a compelling case for uranium. Nuclear plants offer consistent, high-output energy production, which is essential for ensuring long-term energy security and supporting economic stability.

c- Copper: Essential for Modern Infrastructure: Copper’s excellent conductivity makes it fundamental to the electrical infrastructure necessary for the new wave of energy technologies. Its extensive use in power cables, motors, and transformers is critical as we upgrade our power grids and expand renewable energy capacity.

Enabling Green Technologies: The role of copper extends beyond infrastructure; it is also crucial in developing efficient renewable energy systems and electric vehicles. As these sectors grow, driven by global sustainability goals, the demand for copper will continue to rise, highlighting its importance as a strategic investment.

d- Speculative Mania:

  • The recent spike in GME and related tokens exemplifies the speculative excess. These assets surged dramatically in value based on social media posts, reflecting a disconnection from economic reality.
  • The market’s focus on a potential Fed rate cut ignores critical inflation data and early signs of recession.

e- Dollar and Global Markets:

  • The dollar’s recovery against major currencies indicates underlying economic shifts. Mixed performance in global markets, particularly in Asia and Europe, highlights ongoing economic fragility and the impact of geopolitical factors.

Future Speculation

The speculative nature of the current market suggests a potential bubble, especially in sectors driven by meme trading. As the Fed contemplates its next moves, market reactions will likely remain volatile. The energy sector, particularly natural gas, offers a counterpoint with its solid fundamentals and low prices, presenting a more stable investment opportunity.

Investment Recommendations

Invest in:

  1. Natural Gas:
    • Rationale: With current depressed prices and strong fundamentals, natural gas offers substantial upside potential with limited downside risk.
    • Action: Consider buying shares of natural gas companies or ETFs focused on this sector.
  2. Stable Blue-Chip Stocks:
    • Rationale: Companies with strong balance sheets and consistent performance provide stability amid market volatility.
    • Action: Invest in blue-chip stocks that are likely to withstand economic fluctuations.
  3. Precious Metals:
    • Rationale: In times of economic uncertainty and inflation, precious metals like gold and silver serve as safe-haven assets.
    • Action: Allocate a portion of your portfolio to gold and silver, either through physical holdings or ETFs.

Divest from:

  1. Meme Stocks and Speculative Assets:
    • Rationale: The recent surge in meme stocks and related crypto tokens is driven by speculative mania and is likely unsustainable.
    • Action: Gradually sell off positions in meme stocks and speculative crypto assets to lock in profits and reduce exposure to potential losses.
  2. Overvalued Tech Stocks:
    • Rationale: Some tech stocks have reached valuations that are disconnected from their fundamentals and may be vulnerable to corrections.
    • Action: Review your tech stock holdings and consider selling those with excessively high valuations.
  3. High-Risk Bonds:
    • Rationale: In a rising interest rate environment, high-risk bonds may suffer from increased volatility and declining prices.
    • Action: Reduce exposure to high-yield bonds and consider reallocating to safer fixed-income securities.

Financial Advice

  1. Diversify Investments:
    • Balance speculative investments with stable assets like natural gas, which offer potential for long-term gains.
  2. Monitor Fed Policies:
    • Stay informed about Fed announcements and economic indicators. The timing and nature of Fed actions will significantly impact market movements.
  3. Risk Management:
    • Given the speculative nature of the current market, implement risk management strategies to protect investments. This includes setting stop-loss orders and regularly reviewing portfolio allocations.
  4. Long-Term Focus:
    • While short-term trading opportunities exist, maintain a long-term perspective. Focus on assets with solid fundamentals and avoid being swayed by market euphoria.


The current market landscape is characterized by both speculative excess and genuine investment opportunities. While the euphoria around meme stocks and cryptocurrencies signals a potential bubble, the energy sector, particularly natural gas, offers a compelling case for long-term investment. Investors should balance their portfolios, stay informed about economic developments, and implement robust risk management strategies to navigate this volatile environment. By following the buy and sell recommendations, investors can better position themselves for both short-term and long-term success

The Courage to be ” Disliked & Happy” Journey of two books

With Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga through their enlightening works

Our Community actively learning new insights and finding ways to apply them

Inspired by our Friday session at the Exchange Book Club, we enjoyed the young man’s dialogue with the wise philosopher. This dialogue challenged the common “Blame Culture”, “Weak Psychology”, and superficial “Life Coaching” practices, presenting instead a powerful theory based on “Adlerian Psychology”. In their books The Courage to Be Disliked and The Courage to Be Happy. captivated our group, and sparked reflective discussions. These books challenge the mainstream psychological and coaching approaches that often focus on past traumas. Instead, they offer a future-oriented perspective, emphasizing personal responsibility and self-acceptance.

Our Journey Began with The Courage to Be Disliked. Through the conversational style of the book, we joined the young man in his quest for understanding happiness and fulfillment. The wise philosopher introduced us to the revolutionary ideas of Adlerian psychology, particularly the notion of “teleology” – the focus on future goals rather than past causes “etiology”- main stream.

Key Lessons from The Courage to Be Disliked:

  1. On Expectations: Separate the Tasks: The philosopher taught us to distinguish what is within our control and what is not, this liberate us from the burden of others’ expectations.
  2. The Reason Why: Teleology vs. Etiology: most of the society along with the young man struggle with this concept. Our own social tendencies is to blame the past. The philosopher, however, emphasized that focusing on future aspirations empowers us to shape our destinies.
  3. Peace: Self-Acceptance: We learned that embracing our imperfections leads to peace and authenticity. Ie: Stop comparing to others
  4. Contribute for happiness: Personal Responsibility: Taking charge of our happiness is crucial for growth and freedom, this can happen by providing value to our communities.

It really take courage to Be Happy because our comfort zone today makes us vulnerable to depression. the dialogue between the young man and the philosopher deepened. The sequel continued to challenge our conventional beliefs, emphasizing that true happiness comes from meaningful contributions and living a life of purpose. So break the boundaries.

Key Lessons from The Courage to Be Happy:

  1. Contribution vs. Validation: The philosopher highlighted that happiness is found not in seeking external validation but in helping others and engaging in community activities.
  2. Self-Acceptance vs. Self-Doubt: The young man’s journey towards self-acceptance resonated with us, underscoring the importance of embracing our true selves.
  3. Personal Responsibility vs. Victim Mentality: The dialogue revealed that owning our happiness empowers us to enact positive changes in our lives.
  4. Courage to Change: The young man’s fears of societal disapproval echoed our own, yet the philosopher encouraged us to align our actions with our values and goals for true fulfillment.

Real-Life Applications: The insights from these books offer practical guidance for our everyday lives. Here are some ways we discussed implementing these principles:

Here are some ideas for after office hours:

Contribution IdeaDescription
VolunteeringJoin local non-profits or community organizations to help with their initiatives. Examples include food banks, shelters, and youth programs.
MentorshipOffer to mentor young professionals or students in your field, providing guidance and support.
Community Clean-UpsParticipate in local clean-up events to improve the environment and promote community pride.
Skill WorkshopsConduct workshops to teach valuable skills like coding, cooking, or financial literacy to community members.
Charity FundraisingOrganize or participate in fundraising events for causes you care about.
Support GroupsFacilitate or join support groups that focus on mental health, addiction recovery, or chronic illness.
Cultural ActivitiesVolunteer at local museums, theaters, or cultural festivals to promote arts and culture.
Neighborhood WatchJoin or start a neighborhood watch program to enhance local safety and security.
Youth CoachingCoach a local sports team or lead activities for youth organizations like Scouts or 4-H.

Enhancing the work culture:

Contribution IdeaDescription
Team BuildingOrganize team-building activities that promote collaboration and positive work culture.
Employee WellnessAdvocate for and help implement employee wellness programs, including mental health days and fitness challenges.
Green InitiativesLead or participate in workplace sustainability projects like recycling programs or energy-saving initiatives.
Professional DevelopmentOffer to conduct training sessions or share knowledge with colleagues to enhance their skills.
Corporate Social ResponsibilityInitiate or join CSR projects that allow your company to give back to the community, such as charity drives or volunteer days.
Diversity and InclusionAdvocate for diversity and inclusion initiatives to create a more equitable workplace.
Peer SupportStart or join peer support groups that address work-related stress, career development, or work-life balance.
Innovation ProjectsLead or participate in innovative projects that can improve company processes or products.
Internal MentorshipMentor junior employees to help them navigate their career paths within the company.

Conclusion: Our discussions of The Courage to Be Disliked and The Courage to Be Happy have profoundly impacted our perspectives on happiness and self-fulfillment. These books challenge us to break free from the shackles of past traumas and societal expectations, encouraging us to live authentically and contribute meaningfully to society. By embracing self-acceptance and personal responsibility, we can truly find the courage to be both disliked and happy. These insights have enriched our book club meetings and have also inspired us to implement positive changes in our own lives.

Mohamad Mrad