Effective Business Tool For Entrepreneurs

Business Plan setup for SME small businesses and entrepreneurs based on the 100$ Startup Book review

Modified Practical Tools for Entrepreneurs:

One-Page Business Plan inspired by the Book 100$ Startup by Chris Guillebea :

this is a simple modified template to help support your business idea.

Business Name:


Vision: What will the future look like if you succeed?

Mission: why does your solution work? for Whom does it work? How does it serve them?

Target Market: Who are your ideal customers?

Offering: What solution are you selling?

Unique Value Proposition USP: What makes your solution desirable?

Revenue Streams: How will you make money?

Cost Structure: What are your major costs?

Network of Support: Who is helping in the launch, product creation, in the go to market strategy and in the scaling up and affiliates

Marketing and Sales Channels: How will you reach your customers and make sales?

Narrative control and message: what is the story you want to share

Key Metrics: What numbers will you measure to gauge success?

Milestones: What major goals must you achieve to succeed?

Some practice:

Value Proposition / Pitch:

A guide to understanding what makes your offer unique.

[Your Company/Product Name] provides [your offering] for [your target market] who [need or desire]. Unlike [your competition], we [unique differentiator] because [reason why].

Pricing Guide: Strategies for setting prices based on perceived value.

1. Cost-Plus Pricing: Calculate your costs and add a markup percentage for profit.

2. Value-Based Pricing: Set prices based on how much customers believe your product is worth.

3. Competitive Pricing: Set prices based on what competitors charge for similar products.

4. Penetration Pricing: Start with a low price to attract customers and raise it later.

5. Skimming Pricing: Start with a high price and lower it over time.

Promotion Plan: Low-cost marketing tactics to get your first customers.

Objective: What do you want to achieve with your promotion?

Target Audience: Who are you trying to reach?

Message: What is the key message you want to convey?


– Social Media Campaigns

– Content Marketing

– Email Marketing

– Partnerships

– Word of Mouth/Referral Programs

Budget: How much are you willing to spend?

Timeline: What is the schedule for your promotion activities?

Metrics: How will you measure the success of your promotion?

Launch Checklist: Steps to take your business from idea to reality.

Product Readiness:

Finalize product or service offering.

Ensure quality control checks are in place.


Create a logo and brand guidelines.

Develop a website and social media presence.


Craft your value proposition.

Prepare marketing materials and promotional content.


Set up sales channels (e.g., online store, physical location).

Implement a system for processing orders and payments.

Customer Service:

Establish customer service policies.

Set up channels for customer feedback.


Announce the launch to your network.

Host a launch event or promotion.

Begin sales and marketing efforts.

Business Setup:

Register the business.

Set up a business bank account.

Obtain necessary licenses and permits.


Gather customer feedback.

Adjust your offering and marketing tactics as needed.

Plan for scaling up based on demand.

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