Case Study: Maria’s Retirement Plan with The Financial Engineer

Maria, a 37-year-old investor, had a dream: to retire comfortably. However, her journey to financial freedom was fraught with challenges. Her savings, a combination of cash and real estate, were not invested, and her relationship with her financial advisor, Jack, was strained due to conflicts of interest, lack of communication, and disagreements over investment strategies.

Maria’s financial journey took a turn for the better when she met Mohamad Mrad, a financial engineer. Mohamad’s approach was different. He prioritized understanding Maria’s financial goals, immediate income needs, and investment objectives. Using his expertise, he constructed a portfolio for Maria that was tailored to her specific needs and goals.

Mohamad conducted a comprehensive analysis of Maria’s financial situation, including her income needs, expenses, and asset growth. He also took into account her ethical investment preferences. Based on this analysis, he constructed a diversified portfolio of investments designed to generate steady income while managing growth.

Mohamad made it a point to educate Maria on various investment products and services. He provided full transparency on any fees or commissions associated with their investment recommendations. He also established clear communication protocols to ensure Maria received regular updates on her portfolio’s performance and investment strategy.

The results were impressive. Maria’s portfolio achieved an average annualized return of 8.7%, with a variable annualized income between 10 to 12% paid quarterly. As a result, Maria’s portfolio grew by 8.7% over the last year, allowing her to comfortably cover her cost of living and enjoy a worry-free retirement.

Maria’s case highlights the importance of working with a financial advisor who prioritizes transparency, education, and communication. By parting ways with her previous advisor and seeking out a new partnership with Mohamad Mrad, Maria was able to achieve her financial goals and secure a comfortable retirement.